Jumprope Workouts

There are more ways to jump rope than to just hopping on the spot. I put together about 50 ways to jump for my new jump ropes.
If you know the basics of jumping rope, many of the techniques are more variations of regular jumps or just jumping backwards (and only a few need a bit more practicing. Practicing is part of the workout already).
But you need to be reminded of doing so. Think of them as similar to a yoga workout where you basically only go through a series of stretches.
In order to use them, start the youtube timer-video (or download the timers here) and follow the shown techniques.
  • Each program consists of 6 different (a - f) jump rope techniques for the duvıde Ropejumprope and Loopjumprope.
  • There is always one minute of jumping and 30 seconds rest between each technique. Rest of 90 seconds after every finished cycle.
  • >> = swinging the rope forward and jump
    << = swinging the rope backward and jump
    = only swinging.
  • All techniques have an intensity grade from 1-6 where 1 is the lowest (just swinging the rope) and 6 the highest grade (e.g. the Squat-skip).
    Shades of yellow indicate intensity.
Jump Rope Workout #1Workout #1 (Int. score 18)
Jump Rope Workout #2Workout #2 (Int. score 19)
Jump Rope Workout #3Workout #3 (Int. score 20)
Jump Rope Workout #4Workout #4 (Int. score 21.5)
Jump Rope Workout #5Workout #5 (Int. score 22)
Jump Rope Workout #6Workout #6 (Int. score 22.5)
Jump Rope Workout #7Workout #7 (Int. score 23)
Jump Rope Workout #8Workout #8 (Int. score 23.5)
Jump Rope Workout #9Workout #9 (Int. score 24)
Jump Rope Workout #10Workout #10 (Int. score 25)
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