OverviewJR-WO #1JR-WO #2JR-WO #3JR-WO #4JR-WO #5JR-WO #6JR-WO #7JR-WO #8JR-WO #9
Workout #10 Chart as PDF-file
Video Timer
Each technique as video clip
a Tiptoe-skip
Intensity 3.5 Direction <<
Jump on tiptoes with closed feet.
b Run-step criss-cross
Intensity 5 Direction >>
Lift legs as if running on spot while criss-crossing arms.
c Crissfront-crossback hop
Intensity 3.5 Direction >>
Do a side swing then cross with one arm in front and the other in back.
d Butt-kick
Intensity 4 Direction <<
Thrust heels to buttocks alternately.
e Twister
Intensity 3 Direction >>
Jump with closed feet while twisting hip from one side to other.
f Squat-skip
Intensity 6 Direction >>
Start by jumping with closed feet. With 3 jumps go down into squat. Stay there for 5-10 jumps then go up again.